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A path traversal vulnerability was discovered in Mailman, the mailing list manager. Installations using a transport script to interface with their MTA instead of static aliases were vulnerable to a path traversal attack. To successfully exploit this, an attacker needs write access on the local file system.

Moderate: Oracle Linux 6 pki-core security and bug fix update.

Moderate: Oracle Linux 6 hivex security and bug fix update.

LibreOffice is an Open Source, community-developed, office productivity suite. It includes the key desktop applications, such as a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation manager, formula editor and drawing program, with a user interface and feature set similar to other office suites. Sophisticated and flexible, LibreOffice also works transparently with a variety of file formats, including Micro ...

Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in GnuTLS, a library implementing the TLS and SSL protocols. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following problems: CVE-2015-0282 GnuTLS does not verify the RSA PKCS #1 signature algorithm to match the signature algorithm in the certificate, leading to a potential downgrade to a disallowed algorithm without detecting it. CV ...

The libuser library implements a standardized interface for manipulating and administering user and group accounts. Sample applications that are modeled after applications from the shadow password suite are included in these packages. Two flaws were found in the way the libuser library handled the /etc/passwd file. A local attacker could use an application compiled against libuser to manipulate th ...

The libuser library implements a standardized interface for manipulating and administering user and group accounts. Sample applications that are modeled after applications from the shadow password suite are included in these packages. Two flaws were found in the way the libuser library handled the /etc/passwd file. A local attacker could use an application compiled against libuser to manipulate th ...

Moderate: Oracle Linux 6 freeradius security, bug fix, and enhancement update.

The remote host is missing a patch containing a security fix, which affects the following package(s): autofs

he IcedTea-Web project provides a Java web browser plug-in and an implementation of Java Web Start, which is based on the Netx project. It also contains a configuration tool for managing deployment settings for the plug-in and Web Start implementations. IcedTea-Web now also contains PolicyEditor - a simple tool to configure Java policies. The following packages have been upgraded to a newer upstre ...

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