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Mercurial is a fast, lightweight source control management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects

Mercurial is a fast, lightweight source control management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects

It was found that libuser, as used in the chfn userhelper functionality, does not properly filter out newline characters, which allows an authenticated local attacker to corrupt the /etc/passwd file and cause denial-of-service against the system. A flaw was found in the way the libuser library handled the /etc/passwd file. A local attacker could use an application compiled against libuser to mani ...

It was found that mailman did not sanitize the list name before passing it to certain MTAs. A local attacker could use this flaw to execute arbitrary code as the user running mailman. It was found that mailman stored private email messages in a world-readable directory. A local user could use this flaw to read private mailing list archives

It was found that program-based automounter maps that used interpreted languages such as Python would use standard environment variables to locate and load modules of those languages. A local attacker could potentially use this flaw to escalate their privileges on the system.

It was found that GnuTLS did not check activation and expiration dates of CA certificates. This could cause an application using GnuTLS to incorrectly accept a certificate as valid when its issuing CA is already expired. It was found that GnuTLS did not verify whether a hashing algorithm listed in a signature matched the hashing algorithm listed in the certificate. An attacker could create a certi ...

A stack-based buffer overflow was found in the way the FreeRADIUS rlm_pap module handled long password hashes. An attacker able to make radiusd process a malformed password hash could cause the daemon to crash.

Mailman is a program used to help manage email discussion lists. It was found that mailman did not sanitize the list name before passing it to certain MTAs. A local attacker could use this flaw to execute arbitrary code as the user running mailman. This update also fixes the following bugs: * Previously, it was impossible to configure Mailman in a way that Domain-based Message Authentication, Rep ...

Moderate: Oracle Linux 6 autofs security and bug fix update.

Low: Oracle Linux 6 wpa_supplicant security and enhancement update.

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