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These packages provide the OpenJDK 7 Java Runtime Environment and the OpenJDK 7 Software Development Kit. An input validation flaw was discovered in the font layout engine in the 2D component. A specially crafted font file could trigger Java Virtual Machine memory corruption when processed. An untrusted Java application or applet could possibly use this flaw to bypass Java sandbox restrictions. M ...

The Berkeley Internet Name Domain is an implementation of the Domain Name System protocols. BIND includes a DNS server ; a resolver library ; and tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating correctly. A denial of service flaw was found in the way BIND handled queries for NSEC3-signed zones. A remote attacker could use this flaw against an authoritative name server that served NCES3-sign ...

These packages provide the OpenJDK 6 Java Runtime Environment and the OpenJDK 6 Java Software Development Kit. An input validation flaw was discovered in the font layout engine in the 2D component. A specially crafted font file could trigger a Java Virtual Machine memory corruption when processed. An untrusted Java application or applet could possibly use this flaw to bypass Java sandbox restricti ...

OpenLDAP is an open source suite of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol applications and development tools. LDAP is a set of protocols used to access and maintain distributed directory information services over an IP network. The openldap package contains configuration files, libraries, and documentation for OpenLDAP. A denial of service flaw was found in the way the OpenLDAP server daemon per ...

These packages provide the OpenJDK 6 Java Runtime Environment and the OpenJDK 6 Java Software Development Kit. An input validation flaw was discovered in the font layout engine in the 2D component. A specially crafted font file could trigger a Java Virtual Machine memory corruption when processed. An untrusted Java application or applet could possibly use this flaw to bypass Java sandbox restricti ...

The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system. * It was found that the Xen hypervisor did not always lock "page_alloc_lock" and "grant_table.lock" in the same order. This could potentially lead to a deadlock. A malicious guest administrator could use this flaw to cause a denial of service on the host. Red Hat would like to thank the Xen project for reporting ...

Openswan is a free implementation of Internet Protocol Security and Internet Key Exchange . IPsec uses strong cryptography to provide both authentication and encryption services. These services allow you to build secure tunnels through untrusted networks. A NULL pointer dereference flaw was discovered in the way Openswan"s IKE daemon processed IKEv2 payloads. A remote attacker could send speciall ...

MySQL is a multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. It consists of the MySQL server daemon and many client programs and libraries. This update fixes several vulnerabilities in the MySQL database server. Information about these flaws can be found on the Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory page, listed in the References section. A buffer overflow flaw was found in the way the MySQL comman ...

Piranha provides high-availability and load-balancing services for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The piranha packages contain various tools to administer and configure the Linux Virtual Server , as well as the heartbeat and failover components. LVS is a dynamically-adjusted kernel routing mechanism that provides load balancing, primarily for Web and FTP servers. It was discovered that the Piranha Conf ...

Openswan is a free implementation of Internet Protocol Security and Internet Key Exchange . IPsec uses strong cryptography to provide both authentication and encryption services. These services allow you to build secure tunnels through untrusted networks. A NULL pointer dereference flaw was discovered in the way Openswan"s IKE daemon processed IKEv2 payloads. A remote attacker could send speciall ...

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