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Symfony PHP framework . NOTE: Does not require PHPUnit bridge.

QuaZIP is a simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package that can be used to access ZIP archives. It uses Trolltech's Qt toolkit. QuaZIP allows you to access files inside ZIP archives using QIODevice API, and - yes! - that means that you can also use QTextStream, QDataStream or whatever you would like to use on your zipped files. QuaZIP provides complete abstraction of the ZI ...

PHP framework for web projects

Symfony PHP framework . NOTE: Does not require PHPUnit bridge.

A PHP package containing implementations of the accepted PSR-7 HTTP message interfaces [1], as well as a "server" implementation similar to node's http.Server [2]

Symfony PHP framework . NOTE: Does not require PHPUnit bridge.

Gifsicle is a command-line tool for creating, editing, and getting information about GIF images and animations. Some more gifsicle features: * Batch mode for changing GIFs in place. * Prints detailed information about GIFs, including comments. * Control over interlacing, comments, looping, transparency... * Creates well-behaved GIFs: removes redundant colors, only uses local color tables if it abs ...

QuaZIP is a simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package that can be used to access ZIP archives. It uses Trolltech's Qt toolkit. QuaZIP allows you to access files inside ZIP archives using QIODevice API, and - yes! - that means that you can also use QTextStream, QDataStream or whatever you would like to use on your zipped files. QuaZIP provides complete abstraction of the ZI ...

DISCOUNT is an implementation of John Gruber's Markdown language in C. It includes all of the original Markdown features, along with a few extensions, and passes the Markdown test suite.

Symfony PHP framework . NOTE: Does not require PHPUnit bridge.

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