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jasper: Library for manipulating JPEG-2000 files Several security issues were fixed in JasPer.

jasper: Library for manipulating JPEG-2000 files Several security issues were fixed in JasPer.

thunderbird: Mozilla Open Source mail and newsgroup client Several security issues were fixed in Thunderbird.

firefox: Mozilla Open Source web browser Firefox could be made to crash or run programs as your login if it opened a malicious website.

libjpeg-turbo: library for handling JPEG files - libjpeg6b: library for handling JPEG files libjpeg and libjpeg-turbo could be made to expose sensitive information.

mysql-5.7: MySQL database Several security issues were fixed in MySQL.

mysql-5.7: MySQL database - mysql-5.6: MySQL database - mysql-5.5: MySQL database Several security issues were fixed in MySQL.

mysql-5.6: MySQL database - mysql-5.5: MySQL database Several security issues were fixed in MySQL.

mysql-5.6: MySQL database - mysql-5.5: MySQL database Several security issues were fixed in MySQL.

tiff: Tag Image File Format library LibTIFF could be made to crash or run programs as your login if it opened a specially crafted file.

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