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The host is missing a security update according to Microsoft advisory, 2854544. The update is required to fix a update to improve cryptography and digital certificate handling in windows. The flaw is present in the application, which fails to handle crafted data. Successful exploitation could allow attackers to gain privileges.

The host is missing a high severity security update according to the Google advisory and is prone to a type confusion vulnerability. A flaws is present in the application, which fails to properly handle unspecified vectors. Successful exploitation allows an attacker to cause unspecified impact.

The host is missing a high severity security update according to the Google advisory and is prone to multiple vulnerabilities. The flaws are present in the application, which fails to properly handle unspecified vectors. Successful exploitation allows an attacker to cause unspecified impact.

The host is missing a critical security update KB3178664

The host is missing an important security update KB3191932

The host is missing an important security update KB4011052

The host is missing an important security update KB4011162

The host is missing an important security update 4011626

The host is missing a critical security update for KB4011682

Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office that provides enhanced security as a defense in depth measure.

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