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The host is installed with IBM DB2 and is prone to buffer overflow vulnerability. A flaw is present in DB2 Administration Server in the application, which is caused due to a boundary error in the "receiveDASMessage()" function in db2dasrrm. Successful exploitation allows remote attackers a trap in DAS, causing a denial of service, or execution of abritrary code.

The host is installed with IBM DB2 and is prone to security bypass vulnerability. A flaw is present in the application which is caused due to an error in the application while revoking "DBADM" privileges which can lead to users still being able to execute non-DDL statements. Successful exploitation allows remote attackers to bypass certain security restrictions.

The host is installed with Ipswitch Imail server and is prone to command injection vulnerability. A flaw is present in the STARTTLS implementation, which fails to properly upgrade a connection from plaintext to TLS. Successful exploitation could allow remote attackers to inject SMTP commands during the plaintext phase and run them during the TLS phase via man-in-the-middle attacks.

The host is installed with PHP and is prone to format string vulnerability. A flaw in present in phar_object.c, which improperly calls zend_throw_exception_ex() function when format string specifiers are passed in an argument to a class method. Successful exploitation could allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code, obtain sensitive information or cause a denial of service.

The host is installed with PHP and is prone to integer overflow vulnerability. A flaw is present in the numfmt_get_symbol function, which fails to handle invalid arguments. Successful exploitation could allow remote attacker to cause denial of service.

The host is installed with UltraVNC and is prone to an out-of-bounds access vulnerability. A flaw is present in the application, which fails to handle an issue in RAW decoder. Successful exploitation could allow attackers to cause code execution via network connectivity.

The host is installed with UltraVNC and is prone to an information disclosure vulnerability. A flaw is present in the application, which fails to handle memory leaks in VNC server code. Successful exploitation could allow attackers to read stack memory and can be abused for information disclosure.

The host is installed with UltraVNC and is prone to a stack buffer overflow vulnerability. A flaw is present in the application, which fails to handle memory leaks in VNC server code. Successful exploitation could allow attackers to cause a denial of service.

The host is installed with UltraVNC and is prone to a null termination vulnerability. A flaw is present in the application, which fails to handle issues in VNC server code. Successful exploitation could allow remote attackers to access out-of-bound data.

The host is installed with UltraVNC and is prone to a heap buffer overflow vulnerability. A flaw is present in the application, which fails to handle issues in file transfer offer handler. Successful exploitation could allow remote attackers to cause code execution.

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