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The default configuration options for ISC BIND uses DNSSEC per default which under certain circumstances can result in huge latencies due to the overhead of trying to validate each lookup, and everytime. This has now been disabled in the configuration file for performance reasons but can easily be enabled again. Please have a look at the dnssec-enable and dnssec-validation configuration options ...

It was discovered that kmail crashed sometimes when deleting mail due to a broken patch for nepomuk support. The updated packages have been patched to correct this issue.

An error has been found in libmsn library used by Kopete Instant Messaging Application, in the way SOAP redirects where handled which was preventing Windows Live Messenger users from logging into their accounts. The updated package have been patched to correct this issue. Update: Packages for 2010.2 was forgotten with the previous MDVA-2011:081 advisory. The missing packages are now being provided ...

This is a bugfix and maintenance release that upgrades nspluginwrapper to the latest version which provides numerous fixes for firefox 3.6 and later.

This is a maintenance and bugfix release that upgrades mysql to the latest 5.1 version which solves numerous upstream bugs. The updated packages have been upgraded to mysql 5.1.60.

A regression was found with php-apc-3.1.9 and with php-5.3.8. The updates packages has been patched to corrrect this issue.

Timezone is a package that contains data files with rules for various timezones around the world. In autumn 2011 Russia, Belarus and Ukraine drop transition on winter time. Palestine suspends DST during Ramadan in 2011. Gaza and West Bank split in 2011. West Bank is tracked in the timezone Asia/Hebron. This package fix this. Also we fix some error on UK and China timezone definition.

This is a bugfix and maintenance update of the psmisc package that addresses the following issue: * Fixed bug with fuser is returning an incorrect return value when using -s option Update: Packages for 2010.2 is also being provided.

In all recent Mandriva releases hpijs driver does not work because PPD files contain a link to foomatic-rip-hplip filter that is not installed.

Timezone is a package that contains data files with rules for various timezones around the world. This update addresses the following changes: - Fiji adopts DST for 2011 - West Bank changes date for DST end in 2011 to Sep 30th - Fix DST for: Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, Ukraine, Bahia and Brazil.

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