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The host is missing an important security update according to Apple advisory, APPLE-SA-2013-09-12-1. The update is required to fix multiple vulnerabilities. The flaw are present in the application, which fails to handle a crafted application. Successful exploitation could allow attackers to crash the service or possibly have other impact.

Mozilla developers and community identified identified and fixed several memory safety bugs in the browser engine used in Firefox and other Mozilla-based products. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption under certain circumstances, and we presume that with enough effort at least some of these could be exploited to run arbitrary code.

Security researcher Cody Crews reported a method to bypass System Only Wrappers (SOW) by using XML Binding Language (XBL) content scopes to clone protected XUL elements. This could be used to clone anonymous nodes, making trusted XUL content web accessible.

Security researcher Jordi Chancel reported that the dialog for saving downloaded files did not implement a security timeout before button selections were processed. This could be used in concert with spoofing to convince users to select a different option than intended, causing downloaded files to be potentially opened instead of only saved in some circumstances.

Fredrik "Flonka" Lnnqvist discovered an issue with image decoding in RasterImage caused by continued use of discarded images. This could allow for the writing to unowned memory and a potentially exploitable crash.

Security researcher Jordan Milne reported an information leak where document.caretPositionFromPoint and document.elementFromPoint functions could be used on a cross-origin iframe to gain information on the iframe"s DOM and other attributes through a timing attack, violating same-origin policy.

Mozilla security engineer Frederik Braun reported an issue where the implementation of Content Security Policy (CSP) is not in compliance with the specification . XSLT stylesheets must be subject to script-src directives but Mozilla"s implementation of CSP treats them as styles. This could lead to unexpected script execution if the style-src directives were less restrictive than those for scripts.

Security researcher Arthur Gerkis , via TippingPoint"s Zero Day Initiative, reported a use-after-free during image processing from sites with specific content types in concert with the imgRequestProxy function. This causes a potentially exploitable crash.

Security researcher Masato Kinugawa reported a cross-origin information leak through web workers" error messages. This violates same-origin policy and the leaked information could potentially be used to gather authentication tokens and other data from third-party websites.

Yazan Tommalieh discovered a flaw that once users have viewed the default Firefox start page (about:home), subsequent pages they navigate to in that same tab could use script to activate the buttons that were on the about:home page. Most of these simply open Firefox dialogs such as Settings or History, which might alarm users. In some cases a malicious page could trigger session restore and cause ...

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