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The STARTTLS implementation in the server in Ipswitch IMail 11.03 and earlier does not properly restrict I/O buffering, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to insert commands into encrypted SMTP sessions by sending a cleartext command that is processed after TLS is in place, related to a "plain ...

Multiple features in Ipswitch IMail Server before 8.13 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via (1) a long sender field to the Queue Manager or (2) a long To field to the Web Messaging component.

Unknown vulnerability in the Web calendaring component of Ipswitch IMail Server before 8.13 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via "specific content."

Ipswitch IMail 7.0.4 and earlier allows attackers with administrator privileges to read and modify user alias and mailing list information for other domains hosted by the same server via the (1) aliasadmin or (2) listadm1 CGI programs, which do not properly verify that an administrator is the admini ...

Directory traversal vulnerability in readmail.cgi for Ipswitch IMail 7.04 and earlier allows remote attackers to access the mailboxes of other users via a .. (dot dot) in the mbx parameter.

Ipswitch IMail 7.04 and earlier uses predictable session IDs for authentication, which allows remote attackers to hijack sessions of other users.

Buffer overflow in Web Calendar in Ipswitch IMail 7.04 and earlier allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long HTTP GET request.

Ipswitch IMail 7.04 and earlier stores a user's session ID in a URL, which could allow remote attackers to hijack sessions by obtaining the URL, e.g. via an HTML email that causes the Referrer to be sent to a URL under the attacker's control.

Web Messaging Server for Ipswitch IMail 7.04 and earlier allows remote authenticated users to change information for other users by modifying the olduser parameter in the "Change User Information" web form.

POP3 Server for Ipswitch IMail 7.04 and earlier generates different responses to valid and invalid user names, which allows remote attackers to determine users on the system.

The webmail interface for Ipswitch IMail 7.04 and earlier allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (crash) via a mailbox name that contains a large number of . (dot) or other characters to programs such as (1) readmail.cgi or (2) printmail.cgi, possibly due to a buffer overflow ...

Ipswitch IMail 7.04 and earlier records the physical path of attachments in an e-mail message header, which could allow remote attackers to obtain potentially sensitive configuration information.

Buffer overflow in the LDAP component of Ipswitch IMail 7.1 and earlier allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long "bind DN" parameter.

IPSwitch IMail Web Calendaring service (iwebcal) allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via an HTTP POST request without a Content-Length field.

Buffer overflow in the Web Messaging daemon for Ipswitch IMail before 7.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long HTTP GET request for HTTP/1.0.

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